碧海娇娃2.Blue Crush 2 (2011) DVD5 iso (dutch subs) NLT 您所在的位置:网站首页 le fil 2009 dvd5 iso dutch subs nlt 碧海娇娃2.Blue Crush 2 (2011) DVD5 iso (dutch subs) NLT

碧海娇娃2.Blue Crush 2 (2011) DVD5 iso (dutch subs) NLT

2023-09-30 22:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


◎导演◎ Mike Elliott

◎编剧◎ Randall McCormick

◎主演◎ Sasha Jackson / Tiffany Hines / Elizabeth Mathis / Ben Milliken

碧海娇娃2的剧情介绍,为圆母亲的梦想,黛娜叶子马里布前往南非Jefferys湾冲浪。   奥斯卡最佳制片布莱恩贵萨新作,全片远赴南非拍摄,美女美景让视觉充满话题。   黛娜决定完成母亲的心愿,来到南非追逐女子水上运动的各种挑战;从稠密的丛林一路到白色沙地,她认识了各路好手,也面临种种所未见的惊险,这才开始检视自己内心最深的情感...

Dana is 18, gorgeous and a killer surfer with a shelf full of trophies to prove it. When her father pressures her to buckle down and go to college, Dana flees her Beverly Hills home for the beaches of South Africa, the site of some of the world's most awesome surf and her late mother's home country. With her mom's journal in hand and a mismatched gang of surf fanatics watching her back, Dana embarks on an odyssey along the breathtaking southern coast of Africa to fulfill her mother's dream-one long, flawless journey down the barrel of the killer waves of J-Bay.

roxy的女装系列真心不好看,剧透慎入。摸着水墙是什么感觉。Blue Crush 2 献给新一代的女性。Blue Crush 2——演绎80后的我们。青春值得。令人心驰神往的电影!。年轻好。人生。103分钟时的插曲,谁知道呀 求解[email protected]






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